Friday, 17 April 2015


Macmillan's Supporting You to Help Others Grants Programme can fund cancer self help and support groups, their activities and user involvement projects, together with associated activities.
Applications are welcomed from groups and individuals that contribute to achieving Macmillan’s Inclusion Strategy andMacmillan’s nine outcomes for people affected by cancer.
The aim of the Supporting You to Help Others Grant Programme is to provide people affected by cancer with opportunities to use their experiences to support others, while also receiving support themselves.
The following grants are available:
•A maximum of £500 for projects that have been running for less than 12 months.
•A maximum of £3,000 for projects that have been in existence for more than 12 months.
•Individual development - the actual cost of the activity (or the requested level of contribution to it), plus associated costs such as travel, accommodation, for a maximum of two people per group (if applicable).
Funding is available for the following:
•Start-up costs for new self help and support and user groups.
•Development funds to support the ongoing activities and development of self help and support projects for people affected by cancer.
•User Involvement Grants to encourage the involvement of people affected by cancer in the design and improvement of cancer services.
•Individual Development Grants to enable people affected by cancer to develop their skills and use their cancer experience to help support others affected by cancer.
The following are examples of eligible projects: 
•Start up funding for a new self help and support group, to cover costs such as room hire, refreshments, equipment, and other general running costs.
•IT equipment and computer/website software to fund a project to develop and extend its reach through publicity.
•An annual social activity or event for an established group of regular support group attendees (with or without transport).
•An activity based support programme for an established group formed around a shared interest or hobby, eg art, gardening or a sport.
•Events that aim to engage members of the community that are hard to reach.
•Conference attendance and overnight accommodation (up to two people per application) to increase awareness, understanding and skills relating to self help and support.
•Production of a monthly newsletter for members who cannot travel to face to face meetings.
•A meeting between local health professionals and people affected by cancer, to raise awareness of their particular needs and barriers to accessing support.
The following groups are eligible to apply: 
•Individuals or groups of people affected by cancer.
•Organisations and professionals working in partnership with people affected by cancer.
Organisations must:
•Have a bank or building society account in the name of the organisation with at least two authorised signatories.
•Have proper safeguards in place to protect the welfare of children, young people or vulnerable adults (if applicable).
•Assess the risks associated with each funded project or activity and ensure that all activities are appropriate for the intended participants.
•Ensure that effective health and safety procedures are in place to safeguard participants.
•Ensure that public liability and personal accident insurance cover is in place to mitigate the impact of claims arising from the funded project or activity.
Applicants are asked to contact their local Macmillan Involvement Coordinator (MIC) at the earliest opportunity to discuss an application.
Application forms are available to download from the Macmillan website.
The remaining 2015 application deadlines are:
o Friday 15 May
o Friday 24 July, and
o Friday 16 October
Contact details for the fund are:
The Inclusion Team Administrator
Macmillan Cancer Support
89 Albert Embankment
London SE1 7UQ
Tel:020 7840 4936

(Source: GRIN)

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