Thursday, 23 April 2015

Foyle Foundation Main Grants Programme

The Foyle Foundation Main Grants Programme is available for UK charities and schools.
The majority of grants are generally in the range of £10,000 to £50,000, although nominally they can be for up to £500,000. Applications for less than £10,000 per annum are not normally accepted. (The Foundation's Small Grants Scheme, featured in yesterday's bulletin, considers applications between £1,000 and £10,000.)
Of the grants awarded by the Foundation in the financial year ending 31 December 2013,  68 were Arts related totalling £2,522,400; 44 were Learning related totalling £1,726,750, and 120 were School Library grants totalling £624, 150  
There are two strands under the Main Grant Programme: Arts andLearning:
The Arts Programme seeks applications that make a strong artistic case for support in either the performing or visual arts.
Funding is available to help sustain the arts and to support projects that particularly help to deliver artistic vision. Typical areas of support include:
• Helping to make the arts more accessible by developing new audiences, supporting tours, festivals and arts educational projects.
• Encouraging new work and supporting young and emerging artists.
• Building and infrastructure projects to construct new arts facilities or improve or re-equip existing arts venues.
• Projects that reduce overheads or which help generate additional revenue.
Generally grants are made for specific projects/activities. Consideration will also be given to applications for core funding but generally only from smaller organisations or from those not receiving recurrent revenue funding from the Arts Council or local authorities.
The Learning Programme will support projects which facilitate the acquisition of knowledge and which have a long-term strategic impact.
Key areas for support are:
• Libraries, museums and archives.
• Special educational needs and learning difficulties.
• Projects that reduce overheads or which help generate additional revenue will also be considered.
Applications are accepted from UK registered charities. State funded secondary and primary schools are eligible to apply for projects with direct educational benefit, but must explain why their project cannot be funded from statutory or other projects funding.
An organisation may only apply for one grant per year. Capital and revenue projects are supported.
Applicants should state what other sources of funding have been sought and secured.
Application forms are available to download from theFoundation's website.
Contact details for the Foundation are:
Foyle Foundation
Rugby Chambers
2 Rugby Street
London WC1N 3QU
Tel: 020 7430 9119

(Source: GRIN)

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