Monday, 19 June 2017

The Heart of Experian Charity Fund

The Heart of Experian Charity Fund is a small, independent charity (no. 1159286), founded in November 2014, which provides funding to assist small groups and organisations that are often not heard to work at a grassroots level and help them become sustainable.
Eligible projects must:
o Make the applicant’s organisation or project more sustainable;
o Relate to financial inclusion, financial education, entrepreneurship or developing skills useful in business;
o Have a long-term benefit for the community;
o Have a clear approach or strategy for attracting future funding or otherwise ensuring the continuation of the project;
o Demonstrate that they have a project manager with appropriate experience to be able to successfully deliver the project; and
o Have not received funding from the Charity Fund in the past 12 months.
Grants of up to £5,000 are availablePLEASE NOTE, however, that the Charity is still building up its grant-making. In its first recorded year of operation for the year ending 31 March 2016, its grants and donations totalled just £37,688. Priority is given to applicants that have already secured match funding.
Eligible applicants must have:
o A gross annual income of £500,000 or less in the most recent full financial year;
o A written constitution and a management committee;
o A bank account in the group's name;
o Accounts available to view on the Charity Commission website (or include a copy when submitting an application);
o Unrestricted reserves that are less than six months’ running costs; and
o A charitable project which requires funding of £5,000 or less and benefits the local community.
Grants are not available for:
o National charities;
o Supporting individuals; or
o Salary costs (unless the applicant has a clear strategy for the position’s future sustainability).
Applications may be submitted at any time and are reviewed by the charity on a quarterly basis.
Further information and an application form are available on the Heart of Experian Charity Fund’s website.
Contact details for the Fund are:
The Community Involvement Team
The Heart of Experian Charity Fund
Riverleen House
Electric Avenue
NG80 1RH
Tel: 0115 992 2431

(Source: GRIN)

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