Wednesday 29 November 2017

Ariannu Gwasanaethau Digidol // Funding Digital Services

5 Rhagfyr, 12 till 3yp, Tramshed Tech

A wyddoch chi fod llawer o arianwyr eisiau cefnogi elusennau a mentrau cymdeithasol i ddatblygu gwasanaethau digidol?

Mae CAST (y Ganolfan ar gyfer Cyflymu Technoleg Gymdeithasol) eisiau sicrhau bod sefydliadau’r trydydd sector yn barod i achub ar y cyfleoedd hyn.
              Dewch i’n digwyddiad rhad ac am ddim, a gynhelir gan CAST, i ddysgu sut i gyflwyno cynnig gwych i ariannwr perthnasol er mwyn helpu i wireddu eich uchelgeisiau digidol.
Bydd y sesiwn am ddim hon yn para tair awr ac yn cymysgu archwilio creadigol â phwyslais ar gyflwyno cynigion arbennig i gronfeydd perthnasol. Gallwn gyflwyno elusennau a mentrau cymdeithasol i bartneriaid digidol gwych, a defnyddio ein profiad o weithio gyda rhoddwyr grant digidol i amlygu meysydd diddordeb/potensial.

5 December, 12 till 3pm, Tramshed Tech

Did you know that many funders are actively looking to support charities and social enterprises to develop digital services?

CAST (the Centre for Acceleration of Social Technology) wants to make sure that third sector organisations are ready to take advantage of these opportunities.
Come along to our free event and learn how to submit a great proposal to a relevant funder which could help bring your digital ambitions to life. This three hour session will mix creative exploration of digital development opportunities with a focus on submitting funding proposals.
CAST can also use their expertise to identify areas of interest or potential and make introductions to great digital partners for those charities and social enterprises who need it.

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