Thursday, 9 November 2017

The Community Facilities Programme is a capital grant scheme and can be used to improve community facilities which are useful to, and well used by, people in the community.

Cynllun grant cyfalaf yw’r Rhaglen Cyfleusterau Cymunedol all gael ei ddefnyddio i wella cyfleusterau cymunedol sy’n ddefnyddiol i bobl yn y gymuned a hefyd ar gael at eu defnydd.
Mae grantiau ar gael ar ddwy lefel: grantiau bach o dan£25,000 a grantiau mwy o faint hyd at £250,000.
Mae’r Rhaglen yn agored i sefydliadau cymunedol a hefyd sefydliadau sy’n perthyn i’r sector gwirfoddol, gan gynnwys mentrau cymdeithasol. Pwyslais y Rhaglen yw cynyddu cyfleoedd, creu ffyniant i bawb a datblygu cymunedau cryf lle mae pobl yn ymddiddori yn eu cymunedau ac wedi’u grymuso. Disgwylir i bawb sy’n ymgeisio weithio gyda phartneriaid all ddod o’r sectorau cyhoeddus neu breifat neu’r trydydd sector.
Bydd blaenoriaeth yn cael ei rhoi i geisiadau gan ardaloedd clwstwr yr hen raglen Cymunedau yn Gyntaf. Er hynny, croesewir ceisiadau o ardaloedd eraill a disgwyliwn y bydd modd i ni ariannu’r gorau ohonyn nhw.

The Community Facilities Programme is a capital grant scheme and can be used to improve community facilities which are useful to, and well used by, people in the community.
Grants are available at two levels; small grants of under £25,000 and larger grants of up to £250,000.
The Programme is open to community and voluntary sector organisations, including social enterprises. The focus of the Programme is on increasing opportunity, creating prosperity for all and developing resilient communities where people are engaged and empowered. All applicants are expected to work with partners which can come from the public, private or the third sectors. 
Priority will be given to applications from former Communities First cluster areas but applications from other areas will also be welcome and we expect to fund the best of these.

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