Rwy'n falch o'ch hysbysu bod Powys wedi llwyddo i ennill ychydig dros £5 miliwn o dan raglen LEADER 2014 - 2020. Rhagwelir y derbynnir cymeradwyaeth ffurfiol yn ystod mis Gorffennaf ac wedi hynny byddwn yn gallu cychwyn ar y gwaith o ddatblygu a darparu gweithgarwch y prosiect.
Sefydlwyd Grŵp Gweithredu Lleol Powys yn Un i ddarparu’r Rhaglen a chyflwynwyd Strategaeth Datblygu Lleol i Lywodraeth Cymru sy’n amlinellu’r anghenion a’r amcanion. Mae’r Grŵp am wybod a oes gan eich sefydliad, eich grŵp neu eich busnes chi syniad am brosiect arloesol sy’n taro â themau LEADER ac amcanion y Strategaeth Datblygu Lleol. Trwy’r Datganiad o Ddiddordeb, cawn gwell dealltwriaeth o anghenion a’r problemau sy’n wynebu cymunedau Powys. Nid yw'r ffurflen Datgan Diddordeb hon yn ffurfio rhan o'r broses ymgeisio, ond bydd yn rhoi gwybod i ni sut y dylem fod yn blaenoriaethu galwadau am gyllid yn y dyfodol yn seiliedig ar anghenion ein cymunedau a'n busnesau. Os hoffech weld y Ffurflen Mynegi Diddordeb a’r nodiadau cyfarwyddyd sy’n rhoi cefndir i raglen LEADER a nodau’r cyllid, cliciwch ar y botymau isod. Os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiynau, mae croeso i chi gysylltu â ni. Mae’r manylion isod.
The new LEADER Programme in Powys
We are pleased to inform you that Powys has been successful in gaining just over £5 million under the LEADER 2014 – 2020 programme. It is anticipated that formal approval will be received during July and thereafter we will be able to commence developing and delivery of project activity.
The One Powys Local Action Group (OPLAG) has been formed to deliver the Programme and have submitted a Local Development Strategy to Welsh Government outlining the needs and objectives.
The OPLAG would like to know if your organisation, group or business has an innovative project idea that fits with the LEADER themes and Local Development Strategy objectives. This Expression of Interest (EOI) will help us gain a better understanding of the needs and issues being faced by our communities in Powys.
This EOI does NOT form part of the application process but will inform us of how we should be prioritising future calls for funding based on the needs of our communities and businesses.
If you would like to view the Expression of Interest Form and guidance notes that provide a background to the LEADER programme and the aims of the funding please click on the buttons below.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us using the details below.
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