Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Arwain Programme is Open

Arwain, the LEADER programme in Powys is designed to get local people, businesses and communities involved in delivering sustainable, innovative solutions to address some of the economic, social and environmental challenges facing Powys.

LEADER focuses on delivering a bottom-up method for encouraging and promoting rural development. Support is primarily aimed at small-scale pilot projects that are innovative in nature and can be from community groups, social enterprises, businesses and individuals. Projects will need to be community led, respond to community need and be able to sustain themselves long term, after funding intervention has ceased. 
The types of projects that may be funded include pilot projects - small scale and time limited activities aimed at testing out a concept or to try an innovative technique; feasibility studies to undertake research into a specific issue or problem; and facilitation and mentoring support to organisations and groups to help develop their skills and expertise.

The programme is not a grant scheme but aims to use innovative methods to assist communities in addressing the need in their areas by developing basic services, creating sustainable, resilient villages and improving the local environment. 

Expressions of Interest are being invited now for projects within Powys which will promote social inclusion, reduce poverty and develop and sustain our rural village communities.
The programme can also support projects that cooperate with other geographical areas. If you have an innovative idea to address any of the above themes via inter-territorial or transnational working, please contact the RDP team at Powys County Council.
Project ideas are welcomed which will fit into one or more of the following themes:

  • Adding value to local identity and natural and cultural resources
  • Facilitating pre-commercial development, business partnerships and short supply chains
  • Exploring new ways of providing non-statutory local services
  • Renewable energy at community level
  • Exploitation of digital technology
This fund is for revenue costs only. LEADER is able to fund up to 80% of the overall cost of your project.  This 80% is capped at £100,000.  However, if you have a larger project in mind please speak to a member of the team.
There is currently no deadline for Expressions of Interest (EOI) and they will be accepted on a rolling basis.
If your EOI is successful and you are invited to submit a full application, decisions are made by the One Powys Local Action Group which meets quarterly. The next meeting is scheduled for April and any full applications that have been invited and wishing to be considered at this meeting will need to be returned by 31st March 2016. There will be four opportunities for submission of full applications per year and you will be advised of the timescales for these by the project staff when you are invited to submit your full application.
This programme has received funding through the Welsh Government Rural Communities - Rural Development Programme 2014-2020, which is funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the Welsh Government.

Although the LEADER programme is not a grant fund, the Welsh Government has launched a Rural Community Development Fund which groups/enterprises and organisations may apply for. The Rural Community Development Fund (RCDF) is a grant scheme funded under the Welsh Government Rural Communities – Rural Development Programme 2014-2020.  Under RCDF the Welsh Government will offer grants for a wide range of interventions designed to prevent and mitigate the impact of poverty in rural communities improving conditions which can lead to future jobs and growth.  Further information, guidance and application forms can be found on the Welsh Government Website.   (Please be advised that the current window for EOIs has now closed, further opportunities to express an interest will be published on the website).
For further information please contact the RDP Team on:
Email: rdp@powys.gov.uk
Web: www.arwain.wales

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