The aim of the one-off £300,000 Hate Crime Community Project Fund is to work with affected communities to develop a range of pilot projects that tackle hate crime, by funding the development of innovative projects supporting the delivery of the five key aims of the UK Government’s plan for tackling hate crime.
The Home Office defines hate crime as acts that are motivated by hostility on the grounds of race (including colour, nationality and citizenship, religion, ethnicity and national origin), disability, sexual orientation and gender identity.
The five key aims of the Fund are:
1. Preventing hate crime – by challenging the beliefs and attitudes that can underline such crimes;
2. Responding to hate crime in communities – reducing the number of hate crime incidents;
3. Increasing the reporting of hate crime – while there has been an increase in all recorded hate crime, hate crime is still significantly under-reported;
4 Improving support for the victims of hate crime – this is crucial for increasing victims’ confidence to report incidents and enabling them to feel confident that the criminal justice system understands their needs; and
5. Building understanding of hate crime – if the drivers of hate crime are understood, all forms of hate crime can be effectively combatted.
2. Responding to hate crime in communities – reducing the number of hate crime incidents;
3. Increasing the reporting of hate crime – while there has been an increase in all recorded hate crime, hate crime is still significantly under-reported;
4 Improving support for the victims of hate crime – this is crucial for increasing victims’ confidence to report incidents and enabling them to feel confident that the criminal justice system understands their needs; and
5. Building understanding of hate crime – if the drivers of hate crime are understood, all forms of hate crime can be effectively combatted.
The total budget for the fund is £300,000. The Home Office expects to fund between 6 and 8 projects, although fewer or more projects may be funded depending on the quality of proposals.
Grants of either £25,000 or £50,000 are available. Providing funding for projects that prevent hate crime is one of the actions included in the UK Government’s Action Against Hate - The UK Government’s Plan for Tackling Hate Crime.
Applications will be accepted from:
o Any registered English or Welsh charities;
o England Charitable Incorporated Organisations (CIOs);
o Companies limited by guarantee;
o Not-for-profit registered Community Interest Companies (CICs);
o Constituted community and voluntary sector groups;
o Third sector/public sector partnerships provided the lead organisation bidding for the funding is not public sector or local government body.
o England Charitable Incorporated Organisations (CIOs);
o Companies limited by guarantee;
o Not-for-profit registered Community Interest Companies (CICs);
o Constituted community and voluntary sector groups;
o Third sector/public sector partnerships provided the lead organisation bidding for the funding is not public sector or local government body.
A consortium project would have to be led by a charity or an organisation with a charitable purpose and can include charities, private companies and/or public sector bodies. If a consortium is proposed, the group must nominate a lead partner, to whom the Home Office would award the funding. It would be the responsibility of the lead organisation to make arrangements to distribute the funding and accountability among consortium partners.
Applicants should be able to demonstrate a good record of developing and/or delivering projects aimed (though not exclusively) at:
o Supporting victims of hate crime;
o Providing advocacy to groups affected by hate crime;
o Promoting community cohesion;
o Working with children and young people to prevent discriminatory attitudes and behaviour that could lead to hate crime;
o Empowering and supporting children and young people to challenge discriminatory attitudes and behaviour that could lead to hate crime;
o Countering hate narratives online using social media;
o Developing positive social narratives for young people;
o Engaging young people and adults in the positive use of social media;
o Increasing awareness of hate crime and how to report it through a range of social media;
o Supporting new and emerging communities;
o Tackling disadvantage and inequalities;
o Raising awareness of hate crime and encouraging target groups who under-report to come forward (eg, gypsy and traveller communities, disabled people);
o Tackling the harm and impact on the wider community caused by hate crime.
o Providing advocacy to groups affected by hate crime;
o Promoting community cohesion;
o Working with children and young people to prevent discriminatory attitudes and behaviour that could lead to hate crime;
o Empowering and supporting children and young people to challenge discriminatory attitudes and behaviour that could lead to hate crime;
o Countering hate narratives online using social media;
o Developing positive social narratives for young people;
o Engaging young people and adults in the positive use of social media;
o Increasing awareness of hate crime and how to report it through a range of social media;
o Supporting new and emerging communities;
o Tackling disadvantage and inequalities;
o Raising awareness of hate crime and encouraging target groups who under-report to come forward (eg, gypsy and traveller communities, disabled people);
o Tackling the harm and impact on the wider community caused by hate crime.
The following are not eligible for funding:
o Groups which have been established for less than 12 months;
o Individuals or sole traders;
o Trips abroad; or
o Capital costs, including vehicle and building work.
o Individuals or sole traders;
o Trips abroad; or
o Capital costs, including vehicle and building work.
Applications will be accepted from Tuesday 13 September to 8pm on Friday 14 October 2016.
Guidance notes and an application form can be found on theGOV.UK website.
The completed application form should be submitted by email. However, applicants that do not have access to a computer may post a hard copy of the completed application form to the Home Office's Hate Crime and Legislation Team at:
Hate Crime and Legislation Team
Home Office
2 Marsham Street
London SW1P 4DF
Email: hatecrimeprojects@homeoffice.
Home Office
2 Marsham Street
London SW1P 4DF
Email: hatecrimeprojects@homeoffice.
(Source: GRIN)
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