Monday, 7 August 2017


Powys - Community Regeneration & Development Capital Grant Fund


Financial assistance is available to support community and voluntary organisation projects that benefit people in the Powys area.
Current Status
Open for Applications
Maximum value:
£ 35,000

Objectives of Fund

The Community Regeneration & Development Capital Grant Fund's (previously known as the Community Enablement Support Fund Capital Grants) main purpose is to support social and community development. Voluntary groups and organisations that demonstrate that they are properly constituted can apply.
Capital expenditure involves acquiring or enhancing fixed assets with a long-term value to the group or organisation, such as land, buildings, and major items of equipment or machinery. Capital assets shape the way the group or organisation's services are delivered in the long term, but will create financial commitments for the future in the form of financing costs and revenue running costs.
Revenue is where the running costs of the group or organisation's expenses are made - relating to such things as salaries, heat and lighting costs, consumables etc.
Priority will be given to those requests that meet the aims and objectives of Powys County Council or assists in the delivery of its strategies.

Value Notes

Community Regeneration & Development Capital Grant Fund grant awards vary due to the type of project and other funding sources available. Projects or activities from the Voluntary Sector would normally be restricted to a maximum grant of £15,000. However, in exceptional cases, for capital projects which meet the Authority's stated aims and objectives, a grant award of up to £35,000 may be considered, in line with local authority capital schemes.
The Fund is able to consider up to a 50% grant rate of the shortfall, after all other Government Lottery and European funding has been taken into account. For example: a project with a total cost of £100,000 that has successfully secured Lottery funding for £50,000 and a National Assembly scheme of £35,000, would then be eligible for a grant award of £7,500.

Match Funding Restrictions

The ceiling for any core sponsorship is normally £5,000. Any organisation wishing to receive more than this amount will be required to match the additional sum on a 'pound for pound' basis with funding obtained from the local business sector up to a maximum of a further £6,000.
This grant scheme does not consider any 'in-kind' contributions, ie, volunteers' time or goods and services donated to the project, as part of the Organisation's contribution.

Who Can Apply

Applicants should be voluntary or community groups that serve the people of Powys.
Organisations applying for funding must be able to provide the following information:
  • Copy of rules.
  • Constitution.
  • Memorandum and Articles of Association.
  • Trust deed.
  • Annual audited accounts.
  • Business plan.
  • Equal opportunities policy.
  • Welsh language policy.


There are some items or activities which the Council cannot fund. In these instances, potential applicants will be advised on initial contact with the Council. If potential applicants are advised that their proposal is not eligible, they may still be entitled to pursue an application. However, a refusal may be inevitable, as the decision-making Committee will consider the reasons for ineligibility.
Whilst the following list shows specifically what the Council will definitely not consider, it is not exhaustive. As the Council adopts various strategic aims and policies, the grant aid function will underpin them as they emerge. In being reactive to support new priorities, the grant criteria should evolve to include potential do's and don'ts, so the eligibility criteria will change to reflect those priorities.
Ineligible items and activities include the following:
  • Fundraising events - whereby an event is organised solely for raising money towards a particular cause.
  • The consumable costs of street lighting, such as Christmas lights (the purchase of lights may be eligible).
  • Street furniture.
  • CCTV.
  • The purchase of minibuses.
  • Political or religious activities.
  • Duplication or overlapping of services or provision.
  • Personal clothing.
Individuals are not eligible to apply for funding from this scheme.

Eligible Expenditure

In order to try and be as flexible as possible, the Council does not have a prescriptive list of types of projects which can be funded. The Council hopes to try and encourage creativity, innovation and development in supporting each project.
Grants are available for:
  • development of the arts;
  • social and recreational activities (particularly for young people);
  • community building projects;
  • sports development;
  • environmental projects; and
  • children's playgrounds.
Priority will be given to those projects that clearly show they:
  • fit one or more of the Council's stated strategies or policies;
  • have good local commitment and benefit to their local community;
  • demonstrate commitment to achieving full participation from all the community;
  • have equal access to provision, to include the choice of language and culture;
  • promote good relations between people of different racial groups;
  • carefully consider accessibility for disabled people; and
  • promote and support equality and diversity.

How To Apply

Applications can be made at any time.
Large-scale projects requiring a grant of more than £2,000 should be submitted as early in the financial year as possible.
Grants are made on a 'one-off' basis, and whilst organisations can make repeat applications, there is no commitment from the Council to continue financial support.
Once a completed application has been received, it will be acknowledged and an indication given as to when a decision is likely to be made. Applications will then be assessed and, in some instances, applicants may be contacted to clarify something or provide more information. For larger schemes, County Council Officers may also make contact to arrange a meeting with representatives of the applicant organisation to discuss projects in more detail. Applicants may submit more than one application at any time, but not for the same project or purpose.
The offer of grant will be in written form, confirming the amount of grant and detailing conditions and timescales. Normally, payment is made retrospectively - once enough expenditure has been incurred to draw down payment. In some cases where cash flow is a problem, the Council can make interim payments. Grants are not paid automatically; the Council will need to receive evidence that expenditure has occurred. Grant payment will then be processed and paid to the applicant organisation either by cheque or BACS payment.

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