Elizabeth Finn Fund
Financial assistance and other types of support are available to help people in the UK and Ireland whose careers have been interrupted or ended through circumstances beyond their control, such as by physical or mental illness, redundancy, family breakdown, or those struggling on low income in retirement.
- Current Status
- Open for Applications
- Maximum value:
- Discretionary
Objectives of Fund
The charity helps people who can no longer earn a living due to physical or mental problems, loss of work and family breakdown, or those struggling on low income in retirement.
Value Notes
Assistance varies depending on individual circumstances.
Who Can Apply
British and Irish residents or nationals that can meet the following criteria are eligible to apply:
- Are living on a low income or means tested benefits.
- Have less than £4,000 in savings.
- Have formerly been employed, or are the partner of someone employed, in one of a wide range of qualifying occupations. The qualifying occupations require a higher level qualification and/or a level of responsibility or knowledge and are as follows:
- Teachers.
- Nurses.
- The clergy.
- Famers and farm managers.
- Police Officers.
- Firefighters.
- Senior prison officers.
- Librarians.
- Accountants.
- Journalists.
- Doctors.
- Dentists.
- Probation officers.
- Senior sales staff.
- Veterinarians.
- Sales managers.
- Senior Secretarial Staff.
Grants are not given for:
- Educational grants to undergraduate or postgraduate students.
- Private medical and dental costs.
- Prescription glasses.
- School fees.
- Funeral costs.
- Legal fees.
- Loans.
- Business start-up loans.
- Personal debts.
- Healthcare costs.
- Computer equipment.
- Holidays.
Eligible Expenditure
Grants are available to help people pay for things they vitally need. Things for the home such as disability equipment or the cost of caring for a relative, and things which can improve someone's future such as training to help people return to work.
How To Apply
Enquiry forms are available to complete online at the Charity's website.
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