Friday 16 July 2010

Money to play with!

Young people in Cantref and Llanfrynach are being asked to help spend £5,000 on improving the playground in Llanfrynach.

The opportunity to update the playground is a story of great community team work. It began with a request from the old Llanfrynach Sports Committee, which had about £600 left in its account which members wanted spent on facilities for young people in the area.

Llanfrynach and Cantref Village Hall Committee then applied for a “Can Do Communities Grant” from PAVO and were awarded £4,500. Llanfrynach Community Council promised £500 in exchange for volunteers who are saving the Council a big bill from Powys County Council by cutting the grass in the playground. So in total there is £5,500 in the pot.

At the recent Sports and Fete in the village, children and young people were shown details of a huge variety of equipment and asked which they would like most. But equipment, which meets all the right standards, is astonishingly expensive and it will be a difficult choice to make. Tony Bracey, who had worked hard on the grant application, was determined that the people who will be using the playground should have their say in just how the money will be spent. He said he was impressed with the wide variety of suggestions received on the day and a decision will be made soon.

The photo shows Tony Bracey, and Richard De Winton (Chair of Llanfrynach Community Council), with local children at the display of play equipment

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