Friday, 30 October 2015

Torch Trophy Trust

Torch Trophy Trust bursaries provide financial support to individuals or groups wishing to undertake training to enhance their knowledge or improve their coaching skills to assist their club, organisation or community and develop their chosen sport.

Bursary application for 2015 are now open.
A limited number of bursaries are granted by the Trust each year. Applications can be made if you are:
  • A voluntary provider.
  • Seeking to improve a skill that will benefit the local community or group to which you are affiliated.
  • Your governing body wishes to assist but cannot provide adequate funding for your chosen activity.
Grants of up to £1,000 are available.
Bursaries range from £100-£1000 and must not account for more than 50 per cent of the total costs of any course or activity.
To apply, please download and complete the Bursary Application Form and send, along with a letter of support from your governing body, to: . Postal applications should be sent to:
Hayley Morris,
Bursaries 2015,
Torch Trophy Trust,
4th Floor,Burwood House
14-16 Caxton Street,

Thursday, 29 October 2015

Planning a funding proposal? Six things to think about

  1. Issue - What do we want to do? 
  2. Aim - What is our vision or mission?
  3. Objective - What are we going to do, to solve the issue?
  4. Need - Is there evidence of need? Does our community want this intervention?
  5. Impact - What difference will we make?
  6. Budget - How much will this cost to deliver?

What are Community shares?

Raising investment through community shares is a great way to secure the right type of finance for your community venture. It might be for a local shop, pub, or football club. It might be to run a building for community use, or a sports ground or community energy scheme. Or it could be a local food grower, a children’s nursery, or a neighbourhood housing scheme. Whatever the enterprise, the key element is that they are run by and for the community, and serve a wide range of social aims.
For more information CLICK here

Example of a project currently in the making - Community share offer for UK's last WWII high security POW camp

Comrie Development Trust in west Perthshire has launched a share offer to give
 people the opportunity to invest in the last WWII high security POW camp 
in the UK. 

Known as Camp 21, Cultybraggan has been recognised by Historic Scotland as 
a unique historic environment with international significance. 
In 2007 the community of Comrie acquired it from the army with the aim of 
making sure it survived intact. Now, thanks to funding from Historic Scotland, 
the Heritage Lottery Fund and Scottish and Southern Energy, the development 
trust will be able to refurbish some of the vacant buildings. 
The trust has launched a share offer in addition to this funding to help them 
transform these buildings into a bunkhouse and self-catering accommodation. 

Plunkett Scotland has been working with the trust alongside partners including 
Development Trust Association Scotland to work up their business plan and 
develop their share offer document. 
People can invest between £25 and £5,000 and will be helping the community
 to take an enterprising approach to preserving this important site, making sure 
income is generated to maintain the huts for the long term. 

To find out more about Cultybraggan Camp 21 visit:

Click here to find out more

Changes to Gift Aid declaration forms

New model forms for Gift Aid declarations have been produced by HM Revenue & Customs. HMRC says
Changes to the Gift Aid Declaration forms, sponsor form and guidance have been made to make it easier for customers to understand their tax obligations when they make donations to a charity or Community Amateur Sports Club.

Click here for more information

Children in Need

BBC Children in Need now has a Small Grant Programme for applications of up to £10,000 for 1 year, and are keen to promote this funding to organisations in Wales.   A Small Grant could be a way of kick-starting your work with disadvantaged children and young people aged 18 and under.  Our next deadline is 01 December with a turnaround of 8/9 weeks.  We make fewer Small Grants than in other parts of the UK and we are keen to increase our numbers.  Our Main Grant Programmes is still available for applications of over £10,000 for up to 3 years.  To access applications to either of our grant schemes go to our Grants page on or call Emma or James on 029 2032 2383 to discuss your idea.  We fund not-for-profit organisations – you do not need to be a charity but organisations do have to be non-statutory.  We look forward to hearing from you.

Mae BBC Plant mewn Angen yn awyddus iawn i hyrwyddo i sefydliadau yng Nghymru ein Rhaglen Grantiau Bychain.  Gellir wobrwyo grant hyd at £10,000 am flwyddyn o waith.  Beth am rhoi hwb i weithio gyda plant neu phobl ifanc difreintiedig (hyd at 18 mlwydd oed) yn eich ardal?  Y dyddiad cau nesaf yw 01 Rhagfyr.  Ceir cadarnhad grant o fewn 8/9 wythnos.  Mae ein niferoedd o grantiau Bychain yn is na gweddill Prydain ac rydym yn awyddus i gynyddu’r nifer yma.  Mae ein Rhaglen Prif Grantiau eto ar gael am geisiadau dros £10,000 (am hyd at 3 blynedd o waith).  I wneud cais ewch neu ffoniwch Emma neu James ar 029 2032 2383 i drafod eich syniad.  Nid oes rhaid i grwpiau fod yn elusennau ond rhaid i’r gwaith fod yn wahan i waith statudol.  Rydym yn edrych ymlaen i glywed wrthych.

Wednesday, 28 October 2015


Epic Awards 2016 Open to Arts Groups Across the UK & Ireland

Entries for the 2016 Epic Awards are now being accepted from arts groups across the UK and the Republic of Ireland.
Provided by Voluntary Arts Network, the development agency for arts participation, the Epic Awards are designed to draw attention to work taking place within the voluntary and amateur arts sector. The awards aim to provide these groups with the opportunity to raise their profile and to win a package of prizes including training, equipment and publicity.
The awards will be made under the following four categories:
  • Engagement
  • Partnerships
  • Innovation
  • Creativity
Winners will receive:
  • A specially made Epic Award trophy
  • A framed certificate
  • £250
  • A tailored package of training, mentoring and promotion to help bring the group to the next level from Voluntary Arts and Epic Award partners
Runners-up will receive:
  • A framed certificate
  • Mentoring from Voluntary Arts and Epic Award partners
  • £75
Voluntary or amateur art and craft groups/organisations in the United Kingdom and Ireland are eligible to apply ie:
  • Those arts and crafts that people undertake for self-improvement, social networking and leisure, but not primarily for payment;
  • Groups that are self-organised;
  • Not-for-profit groups.
Nominations for the 2016 Epic Awards are now open until 7 December 2015.

External Link

LandAid funding - closing date 16th November

LandAid has launched an empty properties funding programme to bring empty properties into use for young people in housing need. LandAid will fund work across the UK which turns empty properties into supported accommodation for young people who are either homeless, or at severe risk of becoming homeless. LandAid welcomes applications from organisations with experience in renovating empty properties. The government’s Empty Homes Community Grants Programme ended in mid-2015 after bringing almost 2,000 properties back into use. There is much more still to do - there are around 200,000 empty homes in England alone. The £1 million funding programme is now open to applications and will close at 10.00am on Monday 16 November 2015. Specifics of this funding round Who can apply? UK organisations with charitable objectives, including:  UK registered charities  UK registered societies, community benefit societies, ‘pre-commencement societies’, industrial and provident societies

LandAid do NOT fund statutory organisations, churches or individuals. If you have previously applied to LandAid, whether you were successful or not, you are welcome to apply to this round.

For more information CLICK here

What is a donation?

What is a donation?

 Before looking at this subject in detail we must clearly define what falls within the scope of charitable donations and who or what can make them. Donations are defined as voluntary gifts to a fund or cause, usually for charitable reasons. They can include money, possessions and ideas. Who can donate? Donations can be made by wealthy individual benefactors, private companies or street collections. Large donations, typically over £1,000 will require more stringent control although it is a matter for each individual charity to decide the level of control they feel is appropriate.

Donations – acceptance or refusal  how do you make that decision?

For more information CLICK HERE

Thursday, 22 October 2015


The Alcohol Education Research Council provides financial assistance to organisations for innovative projects that increase the capacity of individuals and organisations to deal with and develop the evidence base relating to alcohol issues.
Applications will be accepted from researchers who are employed in the UK by organisations such as universities, colleges, other academic institutions, local authorities, voluntary organisations, police, probation and health authorities.
The principal applicant should be able to demonstrate that they have sufficient knowledge and skills to complete the proposed project.
Depending on the nature of the proposed work, this may be either academic or other work-based experience.
Grants of up to £7,500 are available for small projects lasting up to 12 months.
Funding is available for exploratory projects that address emerging issues in alcohol research, employ novel theoretical or methodological approaches, or pilot new work in treatment or service delivery.
The research priority for 2015-16 is "Measuring Change".
Trends in both alcohol consumption and harm have been shifting in recent years. There have also been important changes in the principles, structure and delivery of treatment for problem drinkers.
These developments raise important questions about where change is occurring and how society accurately measures what those changes are.
Applications are invited that address any of the following issues:
Patterns of consumption - proposals that develop better measures of consumption among individuals and subgroups within the population (including overlooked populations such as prison-leavers, the homeless and minority communities).
o Costs to society - proposals that seek to improve or refine estimates of the economic costs and contributions of alcohol to society.
Impacts of policy - proposals that develop improved methods for measuring the impact of policy interventions, especially at a local level.
Treatment and intervention effects - proposals that improve capacity to effectively measure both access to, and the impact of, treatment services or harm reduction interventions.
Applicants must show clearly how their proposal aligns with these research themes. Applications that address these questions from all perspectives, including qualitative, quantitative and mixed-methods approaches are welcome.
Applicants are advised to read the Research Strategy and the appropriate Guidance for Applicants documents before developing their proposals.
Further information and an application form is available on theTrust's website.
The 2015 application deadline is Tuesday 24 November.
Contact details for the fund are:
Andrea Tilouche
Alcohol Research UK
83 Victoria Street
London SW1H 0HW
Tel: 020 35854155


The Toy Trust grant is provided and administered by the British Toy and Hobby Association. The Trust awards grants to registered charities working with young people in the UK and throughout the world.
Funding is available to help disadvantaged children aged up to 13 years and their families to:
• Alleviate suffering;
• Support children through awful experiences/difficult circumstances;
• Encourage achievement through adversity;
• Purchase vital equipment;
• Provide basic need and care;
• Bolster existing initiatives;
• Initiate brand new projects;
• Encourage achievement; and
• Satisfy basic needs.
Projects should:
• Show real benefit for relieving hardship and suffering to beneficiaries.
• Run for a minimum of one full year.
Funding can be used for equipment and services.
Grants up to £5,000 are available. The Trust will occasionally make larger and longer awards for special projects. During the year ending 31 December 2014 the Trust awarded 76 grants totalling£288,551. The average grant was just under £4,000.
Funding is not available for:
• Individuals;
• Salaries or wages;
• Research; or
• Books or publishing.
Registered charities based in the UK or Ireland are eligible to apply. Applications will also be considered from organisations around the world that have a UK based office.
Applicants must have:
• Supporting up to date financial accounts;
• Been running for a minimum of one full year;
• A ratio of administration and overhead to income of less than 30%; and
• Unrestricted net assets of not more than £200,000 or of less than one year's income.
Applications may be submitted at any time.  Previously successful applicants are prohibited from applying within two years.
Application is via an application form available on the British Toy and Hobby Association website.
Contact details for the Trust are:
Tracey Butcher
The British Toy and Hobby Association
80 Camberwell Road
London SE5 0EG
Tel: 020 7701 7271

(Source: GRIN)


Through its Strengthening the Voluntary Sector (STVS) programme, the Baring Foundation aims to specifically fund the independence of advice and advocacy organisations whose purpose is to support people in securing their legal rights and entitlements.
Two levels of funding are available:
o Grants of up to £30,000 over six months - two years for training, education and capacity building.
o Grants of up to £150,000 over approximately three years for applied projects.
The total Fund value is £900,000. Registered UK charities are eligible to apply.
Funding is available through two open pilot funds:
1. Training, Education and Capacity Building
Seed funding grants of up to £30,000 over a six month to two year period are available to support organisations to understand how their objectives can be achieved through use of the law or human rights based approaches.
Priority will be given to projects that provide:
o Capacity building for organisations to:
* Identify a clear purpose, explaining how an organisation plans to use these tools to address a particular form of discrimination and disadvantage.
* Consider how additional capacity for the organisation supports the work of related organisations in the voluntary sector.
* Explain how seed funding can translate into lasting change for the organisation and its ability to advance its mission.
o Capacity building for collaborations and partnerships to:
* Identify a clear purpose for the collaboration or partnership, including how it tackles discrimination and disadvantage.
* Demonstrate how joint working can have an impact.
* Connect organisations with legal or human rights expertise and organisations with little or no history of using these tools.
* Consider ongoing sustainability.
o Training and education to:
* Identify a clear purpose and/or need, either demonstrating how the law and/or human rights based approaches can address a particular form of discrimination or disadvantage or training voluntary sector organisations on specific aspects of the law or human rights based approaches.
* Be supplied by organisations with a clear track record of using these tools.
* Focus on supporting voluntary sector organisations with a limited history of using the law or human rights based approaches.
* Consider sustainability, particularly how technology can be used to make the training more widely available and longer lasting.
* Demonstrate how the project can increase the capability of organisations to use these tools.
2. Applied Projects
Grants of up to £150,000 are available for projects that last for approximately three years. Grants will be awarded for the following types of activity:
o Tackling discrimination and disadvantage directly:
* Create new opportunities to use the law or human rights based approaches to address a particular form of discrimination or disadvantage;
* Harness existing or develop new legal capacity or human rights expertise on a specific area (eg homelessness or mental health) or using a place-based approach to build links with community organisations and front line providers, supporting organisations to recognise and tackle problems with legal or human rights based solutions.
o Safeguarding the freedom of purpose, action and voice of the sector:
* Develop legal or human rights based approaches to support the independence of the voluntary sector.
* Apply the law or a human rights based approach to support organisations to scrutinise public sector decision making or develop and enhance advocacy and campaigns.
The deadline for applications to the Training, Education and Capacity Building Fund stream is midday on Friday 18 December 2015.
The deadline for the Applied Projects Fund stream is midday on Friday 13 November 2015
Guidance notes are available to download from the Baring Foundation's website and application forms are available to complete online.
Contact details for the Fund are:
David Sampson
The Baring Foundation
60 London Wall
London EC2M 5TQ
Tel: 020 7767 1136

(Source: GRIN)

Monday, 19 October 2015

Wallace and Gromit Children's Charity Open to Applications (UK)

Wallace and Gromit Children's Charity Open to Applications (UK)

Grants of between £100 and £10,000 are available to enrich and improve the quality of life of sick children in hospitals or hospices in any area in the UK. Examples of projects the Foundation is looking to support are:

   - Arts, music, play and leisure programmes.
   - Facilities to support families of children treated in hospitals or hospices.
   - Welcoming and accessible environments.
   - Care and facilities in hospices.
   - Promoting education and information programmes.
   - Supporting children with physical and emotional difficulties.
   - Medical equipment (when it can be shown that funding is not available from statutory sources).

UK registered charities are eligible to apply. Preference will be given to projects conceived by and in childrens hospitals and hospices.

The deadline for applications is 11 December 2015.

(Source: Grantfinder)

Community Greenspace Grants to Launch Shortly Across Great Britain

Community Greenspace Grants to Launch Shortly Across Great Britain

Communities will soon be able to apply for grants of up to £12,000 for capital improvements to local community greenspaces.

Projects that would typically receive funding include: 

   - Parks, pocket parks and urban greenspaces.
   - Green corridors - river and canals, cycle ways.
   - Formal and informal play areas.
   - Open access sports facilities within public parks and recreation grounds, such as football pitches, tennis courts and cricket pitches.
   - Informal outdoor recreation facilities, such as gym equipment, trim trails and woodland walks.
   - Nature reserves, community woodlands and ponds.
   - Churchyards.
   - Seafronts.
   - Community allotments, community garden.

The grants programme will be open to voluntary and community organisations, registered charities, health bodies, community councils, development trusts, local authorities and housing organisations in England, Scotland and Wales.

It is anticipated that there will be two funding rounds per year over the next three years.

The first funding round is expected to open to applications on 19 October 2015 with a deadline of 30 November 2015.

(Source: Grantfinder) 


Organisations and community groups across Wales are being invited to apply for funding of £1,000 to £4,000 from Grow Wild to create inspiring spaces.
Supported by the Big Lottery Fund and led by Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, Grow Wild motivates communities, friends, neighbours and individuals to come together to transform local spaces by sowing, growing and enjoying UK native wild flowers. 
Over the next year, Grow Wild has more than £200,000 to award to not-for-profit groups who put forward creative ideas that revamp communal spaces. 
Grow Wild is looking for projects that use native wild flowers and plants innovatively to bring colour and wildlife to their local area. They should offer volunteering opportunities to young people aged 12-25 and also to over 25s. Projects should also think creatively about sharing stories, photos and activities from their spaces. 
Over 2014-15, Grow Wild has built a network of over 150  projects including; the reimagining of a train station entrance an interactive tour of planted spaces, a sensory garden for people with disabilities; as well as projects involving streetscapes, woodlands, housing estates and murals.
Applications for 2016 funding must be received by 1 December 2015. A panel of experts will then help decide who will receive funding. Successful groups will be notified in February 2016 ready to start their project in March and finish by October 2015.
If your group has an inspiring idea to connect people to nature, then apply before 1 December 2015 for your chance to join our lively network. First, please read the community project application guidelines for 2016 funding:
Mae gwahoddiad i fudiadau a grwpiau cymunedol ledled Cymru wneud cais am arian rhwng £1,000 a £4,000 gan Tyfu'n Wyllt i greu llecynnau ysbrydoledig.
Gyda chefnogaeth gan y Gronfa Loteri Fawr a than arweiniad Gerddi Botaneg Brenhinol Kew, mae Tyfu'n Wyllt yn cymell cymunedau, cyfeillion, cymdogion ac unigolion i ddod at ei gilydd i drawsnewid llecynnau lleol trwy hau, tyfu a mwynhau blodau brodorol o wledydd Prydain.
Dros y flwyddyn nesaf, mae gan Tyfu'n Wyllt fwy na £200,000 i'w rannu i grwpiau nid er mwyn gwneud elw sy'n cyflwyno syniadau creadigol ar gyfer ailwampio llecynnau cymunedol.
Mae Tyfu'n Wyllt yn chwilio am brosiectau sy'n defnyddio blodau a phlanhigion gwyllt brodorol mewn ffordd wahanol i ddod â lliw a bywyd gwyllt i'w hardal leol. Dylent gynnig cyfleoedd gwirfoddoli i bobl ifanc rhwng 12-25 oed a hefyd i bobl dros 25. Dylai prosiectau feddwl yn greadigol hefyd am rannu storïau, lluniau a gweithgareddau o'u llecynnau. 
Dros 2014-15, mae Tyfu'n Wyllt wedi adeiladu rhwydwaith o fwy na 150 o brosiectau, gan gynnwys; ail-ddychmygu mynedfa i orsaf drenau trwy greu taith ryngweithiol o lecynnau wedi'u plannu, gardd synhwyraidd i bobl ag anableddau ynghyd â phrosiectau yn cynnwys strydweddau, coetiroedd, stadau tai a murluniau.
Rhaid derbyn ceisiadau am arian ar gyfer 2016 erbyn 1 Rhagfyr 2015. Yna bydd panel o arbenigwyr yn helpu penderfynu pwy gaiff yr arian. Caiff grwpiau llwyddiannus wybod ym mis Chwefror 2016, mewn pryd i ddechrau eu prosiect ym mis Mawrth a'i orffen erbyn mis Hydref 2015.
Os oes gan eich grŵp syniad a fydd yn ysbrydoli pobl i ymgysylltu â byd natur, yna gwnewch gais cyn 1 Rhagfyr 2015 i gael cyfle i ymuno â'n rhwydwaith bywiog.   I ddechrau, darllenwch y canllawiau ar wneud cais am gyllid ar gyfer prosiect cymunedol yn 2016:

Maria Golightly
Grow Wild Wales Partnership Manager
07917 266445

c/o Federation of City Farms and Community Gardens, 46 Ninian Park Road, CardiffCF11 6JA

The Allan and Nesta Ferguson Trust

The Allan and Nesta Ferguson Trust makes grants to charitable organisations involved in projects supporting the interests of the Trust, and also to individual students who are undertaking a gap year or studying for a PhD.
Charitable organisations can be situated either in the UK or overseas but must be registered as a charity with the UK Charity Commission and will principally be educational bodies or aid organisations involved in projects supporting educational and development initiatives, including the promotion of world peace and development.
All grants made by the Trust are project based and must have an educational aim, element or content.
In general the Trustees will not consider applications for core funding or the construction of buildings in the UK. Overseas, however, the Trustees will consider funding aid projects e.g. water treatment, food and medical supplies or the provision of basic facilities that are the pre-requisite of an educational or development initiative.
There are no minimum or maximum grant awards. In the year ending 31 December 2014 the Trust awarded grants totalling£3,241,635.
The deadlines for each type of grant are:
• Applications by organisations for small to medium grants (up to a maximum of £50,000) may be submitted at any time and will be considered on a regular basis.
• Applications for larger grants will be considered at biannual meetings held in March and October each year and should be submitted at the very latest in February or September.
• Applications for either a gap year or PhD grant should be made as soon as possible, either before the beginning of the proposed gap year or at least three months before the start of the final year of PhD course. Grants are awarded for project costs or tuition fees. 
Grants to charities are on a matched funding basis only so that if the applicant has raised 50% of their budget the Trustees will consider awarding matched funding up to a maximum of 50%.
However, if the applicant has raised less than 50% of their budget the Trustees will only consider awarding a maximum of 30% funding.
Evidence of actively seeking funds from other sources is seen by the Trustees as being a beneficial addition to any application.
No repeat applications will be considered within three years of the conclusion of the grant term.
For individual students, the Trust considers applications from two categories of students:
• Those considering embarking on a gap year may be awarded a grant of £300 towards expenses. No more than 165 grants will be made each year on a first come, first served basis.
• Postgraduate PhD students may be awarded a grant to help meet tuition costs, but only in respect of the last year of the course.  
The following exclusions apply for students:
• Students undertaking a postgraduate diploma/certificate.
• Students undertaking a masters degree (such as an MA, MSc, MBA, LLM, MEd, Mphil, Mres).
• Students that have previously received a grant from the Trust.
The Trust prefers, where possible, that applicants complete and submit the online application form available to download from itswebsite and return it by email.
The Trust will not accept any attachments with the application form and it must not exceed three pages.
Contact details for the Allan and Nesta Ferguson Charitable Trust are:
Mr James Tee
The Allan and Nesta Ferguson Charitable Trust
High Street
Bishops Stortford
Herts CM23 2LU
Tel: 01279 755200  

(Source: GRIN)

Lush Charity Pot

The Lush Charity Pot is a South West based funder which aims to support small charitable groups/organisations (i.e. with an annual income of less than £250,000) that do not have access to fundraising support.
Groups working in the following areas are encouraged to apply:
o Human rights.
o Animal protection.
o The environment.
Projects that create long-term change are given priority. Therefore projects which prevent abuse of people, animals or the planet, are prioritised over projects which care for and rehabilitate victims of abuse.
Projects should aim to tackle the root cause of the problem by changing opinion and behaviour through raising awareness of issues, activism, education and campaigning.
Only projects which use peaceful and respectful means to achieve social change will be considered for funding, which may include protests, demonstrations and non-cooperation.
Grants are made up to the value of £10,000. An average grant is approximately £4,000.
Funding is not available for organisations that:
• Promotes or supports violence, aggression or oppression towards others.
• Denies the human rights of others.
• Is involved in cruelty or subjugation of animals, including testing on animals for research.
• Forces or coerces others to change their religious beliefs.
• Harbours racism, prejudice or judges others on anything other than their own actions.
• Has not made every effort to be environmentally responsible.
• Has many supporters and corporate sponsors or is able to secure mainstream funding such as government grants.
Neither is funding available for the following:
• Popular causes such as health charities, social welfare, religious causes, children and young people, and military related causes.
• Religious organisations.
• Schools.
• Councils.
• Student expeditions or academic studies.
• Sponsored walks.
• Fundraising initiatives or sponsor events; or
• Salaries.
The application process is ongoing and interested applicants may apply at any time.
To apply, organisations should email Lush with a brief description of the organisation and of the project requiring funding, with the subject title reading 'Application Form Request'.
All emails will receive an autoreply and a separate email containing the application form and full guidelines will be sent a couple of days later. This funding application form must be completed and returned to Lush. It is recommended that applicants submit an application no less than three months before the start of the project.
For further information about Lush Charity Pot Funding, visit itswebsite.
Contact details for Lush are: 
Lush Customer Care
29 High Street
Dorset BH15 1AB
Tel: 01202 641001

(Source: GRIN)

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Dollond Charitable Trust

The Dollond Charitable Trust makes grants primarily to registered charities. Its Charity Commission entry states:
“The charity operates a broad based grant making policy. However, activities are often focused on health, education and religious activities”.
Although in theory the Trust’s grant making policy is broadly based, the trustees have adopted a policy of prioritising assistance to Jewish communities in the UK and Israel.
The Trust therefore particularly encourages applications from charities that are focused on providing services for Jewish people.
In the last recorded financial year ending 31 March 2014 the Trust made 157 grants totalling £1,896,850, an increase of £235,605 on the previous year. The average award was slightly over £12,000(2013: £11,300) with grants often awarded for organisational running costs.
Grants were made under the following general headings:
Education and Training (23 awards totalling £509,800. Average grant: £22,165);
Religious education (43 awards totalling £420,000. Average award £18,260);
Relief of poverty (44 awards totalling £359,500. Average award £8,170);
Disability (15 awards totalling £390,800. Average award £26,053);
Medical, health and sickness (24 awards totalling £173,750. Average award £7,239); and
Religious activities (8 awards totalling £43,000. Average award £5,375).
The application process is ongoing and interested applicants may apply at any time.
PLEASE NOTE: the Trust does not have a website. Further information is however available on the Charity Commission website.
Contact details for the Trust are:
Brian Dollond
The Dollond Charitable Trust
19 Ridge Hill
London NW11 8PN
Tel: 020 8905 5354  

(Source GRIN)

Monday, 12 October 2015

HM REVENUE & CUSTOMS – Grants up to £450,000 for Voluntary and Community Sector Organisations to help HMRC customers understand and comply with their tax obligations (application deadline 6 November 2015)

Her Majesty’s Revenues and Customs (HMRC) has £1.5 million funding to allocate each year for the next three years to voluntary and community sector (VCS) organisations who can provide advice and support to HMRC customers needing extra help understanding and complying with their tax obligations.
Registered charities, voluntary and community sector organisations, social enterprises, mutuals and co-operatives based in the UK can apply for the grant funding as long as they meet all of the criteria which includes a turnover of no less than £40,000 per annum and having three years of financial history in place.
HMRC will provide grants of between £10,000 and £450,000, with a maximum threshold set at 50% of the organisation’s turnover (as per their last audited accounts) for VCS organisations to help customers to form or rebuild a relationship with HMRC that enables them to engage directly with HMRC in the future.
HMRC wants the VCS sector to support HMRC in helping those customers they currently find hardest to reach, or who cannot or will not interact directly with HMRC.
Some vulnerable or marginalised customer groups may find it difficult to interact with HMRC, for reasons that include geography, culture, language and trust.
Applicants must be able to help HMRC customers in the following groups who display one or more of the following characteristics:
• They are experiencing difficulties accessing HMRC services, due to illness, disability or digital exclusion.
• They lack confidence, and are overly worried about making mistakes or are new to HMRC services.
• They lack the ability to deal with tasks, for example, due to learning difficulties, memory problems, lack of language skills to be able to understand the tax system, complex working situations or several income strands.
• They have mental health issues or are suffering extreme distress through life events, such as bereavement or the breakdown of a relationship.
Proposals will need to show how the applying organisation can support customers in these groups or any combination of these groups.
The guidance notes can be found on the GOV.UK website via thisLINK.
Organisations that are confident that they meet all the criteria may request an application from HMRC by sending an email
The deadline for applications is Sunday 8 November 2015.
Successful applicants will be notified in the week commencing 14 December 2015
(Source: GRIN)

Commission consults on allowing charities to file digital accounts

The Charity Commission has launched a consultation on a process which will allow charities to submit accounts in digital form.

Charities must already file accounts with HM Revenue & Customs using a system called iXBRL, and have the option of filing with Companies House. The Commission proposals would allow them to file accounts with the regulator in the same way.
iXBRL classifies accounts using a “taxonomy” – a digital listing which defines how computers read the individual items of financial data that are submitted in charity accounts. However the Commission said that smaller organisations may need more help to file digitally, and so it plans to develop accounts templates to help them.

The Commission said that currently 70 per of companies file digital accounts with Companies House, it wants to enable charities to do the same.

It says that digital filing will make it easier and quicker for those charities that have to file with both the commission and Companies House, and will make it easier to analyse charitable accounts.

The option to file accounts by PDF will remain.

Nigel Davies (pictured), head of accountancy services at the Charity Commission, said: “This consultation is an early step and one that should be welcomed by the 35,000 charities that file their accounts with us and Companies House.

“If we can make filing digital accounts possible this will reduce administration for many charities whilst also opening up charity data not just for us but for those with a keen interest in sector trends and data. I hope charity finance professionals will engage with our joint consultation and move us closer to making the option of digital filing a reality."
(Source: Civil Society)

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Galaxy Hot Chocolate Fund

Under the banner ‘Supporting Warm-Hearted People and Projects’ Galaxy is looking to support small, local community projects and community-minded people through its Galaxy Hot Chocolate Fund, which is now in its 5th year.
From Monday November 2nd 2015 for 17 weeks – that’s up to 29th February 2016 (yes, 2016 is a leap year) - Galaxy is seeking to award eighty-five (85) £300 donations to help volunteer groups and people.
Stories of previous winners, which give a good indication of the types of projects that are supported, are available via this LINK.
Galaxy is also celebrating five years of the Fund by throwing five Hot Chocolate Tea Parties.
If you know of a charity that deserves a tea party of Galaxy chocolate and cake, you’re invited to send a message to, including a quick line about the chosen charity, along with your contact details.
For further information about the Galaxy Hot Chocolate Fund 2015/16, visit its website.  

(Source GRIN)

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Postcode Community Trust Launches Community Sports Programme

The programme which is expected to open to other areas of England in future funding rounds is currently inviting constituted sports clubs and organisations to apply for kit and equipment worth between £100 and £2,000.
Community groups and charities in London, Greater London, Scotland and Wales can apply for this round as long as they can provide proof that they are a constituted organisation and hold their own bank account. Registered charities should have a financial reserves strategy in place.
Funding is available for sports equipment and kits, including the following:
  • Replacement of worn-out equipment and kits.
  • A bank of new kits and equipment to support the launch of a new sports project.
  • New kit and equipment which will expand capacity to meet demand for activities.
  • Kit and equipment which will promote the inclusion of the disadvantaged or minorities within sports.
Applications must demonstrate that the equipment will have a lasting impact and reasonable lifetime of usage. The project must demonstrate a sustainable impact beyond its original duration and that it will positively impact the local community. Priority will be given to projects that are creative, far-reaching and will leave a long-term impact once completed.
The Trust especially welcomes applications for projects that are focused on improving life for disadvantaged groups and encouraging their inclusion within sporting activities.
Applications should be made through the online form which will allow the users to select their desired items through a system called Gift of Kit - a supplier of branded kit and equipment.
Clara Govier, Head of Charities at People's Postcode Lottery, said:
"2015 is an exciting year for players of People's Postcode Lottery, who are already seeing £2 million of funding awarded in the inaugural year of the Community Grants programme alone. The new Community Sports initiative is an exciting extension of this which offers sports teams and clubs the opportunity to gain the vital kit and equipment to support participation in local sport, active lifestyles and the next generation of British athletes."
Postcode Community Trust was established in 2014 to provide financial support to charities and community groups that support environmental protection, community development, engagement in sport, advancement of health, promotion of human rights and prevention of poverty.
Full details can be found on the Postcode Community Trust website
Source: Postcode Community Trust, 01/10/2015

Digital Innovation Fund for the Arts in Wales

Arts organisations in Wales are invited to apply for funding to undertake innovation projects, using digital technology as a tool to help improve audience reach and engagement, or develop new business models.
The Digital Innovation Fund for the Arts in Wales is a partnership between Arts Council of Wales and Nesta. The fund is looking to support arts organisations across Wales who want to work with digital technologies to:
  • Expand their audience reach and engagement.
  • Explore new business models.
The programme adopts a four-stage process:
  1. Identify Challenges and Opportunities
  2. Build Teams and Generate Ideas
  3. Research and Develop
  4. Embed and Scale.
Organisations invited to take part in the Build Teams and Generate Ideas phase will be awarded a fixed sum of £5,000 to develop ideas and form a partnership with a suitable technology company.
From this stage, organisations will be able to pitch for up to £75,000 of funding to undertake a full R&D project, including 12 days of business support and a comprehensive workshop programme to support the project.
Stage one - Identify Challenges and Opportunities - is open to all organisations and a series of workshops will run until the end of October. The deadline for applications to the second stage - Build Teams and Generate Ideas - is 11 December 2015. The third stage - Research and Develop - will close to applications on 25 April 2016.

(Source: Grantfinder)

Lloyds Bank Foundation

Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales Reopens for Applications

The Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales has changed to a ‘grant round approach from 2016’. Previously, charities could apply for funding at any time.

There will now be three grant rounds in 2016:

   - Round 1 will be open for enquiries from 5 October to 20 November 2015.
   - Round 2 will be open for enquiries from 4 January 2016 to 18 March 2016.
   - Round 3 will be open for enquiries from 25 April 2016 to 8 June 2016.

Charities and charitable incorporated organisations in England and Wales can apply for Foundation funding through the following two programmes:

   - Invest - a flexible, long-term core funding programme for charities delivering clear, targeted outcomes for disadvantaged people. These grants are up to £25,000 per year for two or three years, with the opportunity for continuation funding for a further period - up to six years in total.
   - Enable - a smaller and shorter grants programme for charities that have identified clear development needs. This funding aims to help the organisations deliver their mission more effectively. These grants are up to a total £15,000 over two years.

Organisations are expected to be working with people experiencing multiple disadvantage at one of the critical points in their life.

Applicants must be working with people who are 17 years or older and experiencing at least one of the following:

   - Have been abused or are at risk of abuse.
   - Are victims of sexual exploitation.
   - Are ex-offenders or those at risk of offending.
   - Are long term unemployed.
   - Are leaving care.
   - Are homeless.
   - Have learning disabilities.
   - Have mental health and wellbeing issues.
   - Have addictions.
   - Are isolated and vulnerable.
   - Have severe financial difficulty as a compounding disadvantage.

The only exceptions are young people who are under 17 years of age and young parents or looked after children and disabled young people moving into independent living.

To be eligible, organisations must:

   - Be registered with the Charity Commission.
   - Operate mainly in England and Wales.
   - Have at least one year of published accounts covering a 12 month operating period.
   - Have a one year track record of direct service delivery.
   - Have an income in the last set of published accounts of between £25,000 and £1 million.
   - Have free reserves of less than 12 months’ expenditure in the last set of published accounts.
   - Have an active board of at least three Trustees.

The deadline for Round 1 applications is 20 November 2015.

(Source: Grantfinder)