Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales Reopens for Applications
The Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales has changed to a ‘grant round approach from 2016’. Previously, charities could apply for funding at any time.
There will now be three grant rounds in 2016:
- Round 1 will be open for enquiries from 5 October to 20 November 2015.
- Round 2 will be open for enquiries from 4 January 2016 to 18 March 2016.
- Round 3 will be open for enquiries from 25 April 2016 to 8 June 2016.
Charities and charitable incorporated organisations in England and Wales can apply for Foundation funding through the following two programmes:
- Invest - a flexible, long-term core funding programme for charities delivering clear, targeted outcomes for disadvantaged people. These grants are up to £25,000 per year for two or three years, with the opportunity for continuation funding for a further period - up to six years in total.
- Enable - a smaller and shorter grants programme for charities that have identified clear development needs. This funding aims to help the organisations deliver their mission more effectively. These grants are up to a total £15,000 over two years.
Organisations are expected to be working with people experiencing multiple disadvantage at one of the critical points in their life.
Applicants must be working with people who are 17 years or older and experiencing at least one of the following:
- Have been abused or are at risk of abuse.
- Are victims of sexual exploitation.
- Are ex-offenders or those at risk of offending.
- Are long term unemployed.
- Are leaving care.
- Are homeless.
- Have learning disabilities.
- Have mental health and wellbeing issues.
- Have addictions.
- Are isolated and vulnerable.
- Have severe financial difficulty as a compounding disadvantage.
The only exceptions are young people who are under 17 years of age and young parents or looked after children and disabled young people moving into independent living.
To be eligible, organisations must:
- Be registered with the Charity Commission.
- Operate mainly in England and Wales.
- Have at least one year of published accounts covering a 12 month operating period.
- Have a one year track record of direct service delivery.
- Have an income in the last set of published accounts of between £25,000 and £1 million.
- Have free reserves of less than 12 months’ expenditure in the last set of published accounts.
- Have an active board of at least three Trustees.
The deadline for Round 1 applications is 20 November 2015.
(Source: Grantfinder)
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