Her Majesty’s Revenues and Customs (HMRC) has £1.5 million funding to allocate each year for the next three years to voluntary and community sector (VCS) organisations who can provide advice and support to HMRC customers needing extra help understanding and complying with their tax obligations.
Registered charities, voluntary and community sector organisations, social enterprises, mutuals and co-operatives based in the UK can apply for the grant funding as long as they meet all of the criteria which includes a turnover of no less than £40,000 per annum and having three years of financial history in place.
HMRC will provide grants of between £10,000 and £450,000, with a maximum threshold set at 50% of the organisation’s turnover (as per their last audited accounts) for VCS organisations to help customers to form or rebuild a relationship with HMRC that enables them to engage directly with HMRC in the future.
HMRC wants the VCS sector to support HMRC in helping those customers they currently find hardest to reach, or who cannot or will not interact directly with HMRC.
Some vulnerable or marginalised customer groups may find it difficult to interact with HMRC, for reasons that include geography, culture, language and trust.
Applicants must be able to help HMRC customers in the following groups who display one or more of the following characteristics:
• They are experiencing difficulties accessing HMRC services, due to illness, disability or digital exclusion.
• They lack confidence, and are overly worried about making mistakes or are new to HMRC services.
• They lack the ability to deal with tasks, for example, due to learning difficulties, memory problems, lack of language skills to be able to understand the tax system, complex working situations or several income strands.
• They have mental health issues or are suffering extreme distress through life events, such as bereavement or the breakdown of a relationship.
• They lack confidence, and are overly worried about making mistakes or are new to HMRC services.
• They lack the ability to deal with tasks, for example, due to learning difficulties, memory problems, lack of language skills to be able to understand the tax system, complex working situations or several income strands.
• They have mental health issues or are suffering extreme distress through life events, such as bereavement or the breakdown of a relationship.
Proposals will need to show how the applying organisation can support customers in these groups or any combination of these groups.
The guidance notes can be found on the GOV.UK website via thisLINK.
Organisations that are confident that they meet all the criteria may request an application from HMRC by sending an email tomailbox.stakeholder@hmrc.gsi. gov.uk.
The deadline for applications is Sunday 8 November 2015.
Successful applicants will be notified in the week commencing 14 December 2015.
(Source: GRIN)
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