Monday, 2 November 2015

Finnis Scott Foundation

The Finnis Scott Foundation makes grants to both UK charities and individuals and for any charitable purpose.
The Trustees' current policy is to focus their grant-making in the areas of:
• Horticulture and plant sciences;
• Art; and
• Art history.
The Foundation funds both capital and revenue projects.
Grants between £500 and £10,000 are available. In the financial year ending 31 December 2014 the Foundation awarded 45 grants totalling £358,674. The average award was just under £8,000 and included:
Greenfingers (£6,000);
Clear Village Trust (£1,103);
Vocal Eyes (£2,000);
Cheltenham Art Gallery and Museum (£10,000);
West House Project (£5,000); and
Turquoise Mountain (£5,000)
Preference is given to awarding grants to smaller charities where the grant will have a significant impact.
In the case of private individuals, the Trustees usually require a grant to be made through a sponsoring university or registered charity.
The following documents must be submitted with an application form:
• The organisation's governing document.
• If available, any business plan, project plan or similar document setting out the purpose of the grant.
• The organisation's most recent accounts and annual report.
• The organisation's current budget and any separate project budget.
• Any further documents that are requested.
Applications are considered at quarterly Trustee meetings. Applications should be received at least three weeks before the date of a meeting.
The date of the next Trustee meeting is Wednesday 13 January 2016.
For further information, visit the Finnis Scott Foundation website.
Contact details for the Foundation are:
Angela Moon
The Finnis Scott Foundation
c/o Hewitsons
Elgin House
Billing Road
Northampton NN1 5AU
Tel: 01604 233233

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