The Heart Research and Subway Healthy Heart Grants scheme supports new and innovative projects designed to promote heart health and to prevent or reduce the risk of heart disease in specific groups or communities.
Grants of between £1,000 and £10,000 (occasionally more for projects of exceptional merit) are available to not-for-profit organisations in the UK.
A grant can pay for the full project or contribute to the cost alongside other funders. In exceptional circumstances, where a project has a very strong heart element applications may be considered from researchers.
Projects must focus on, and actively promote, heart health or reduce the risk of heart disease throughout the duration of the project.
The cost of travel may be included in a Healthy Heart Grant application provided it forms a necessary and integral part of the project. The costs of attending meetings and conferences may also be covered if the necessary supporting documentation is included in the application. Any equipment bought must be used for the Healthy Heart project only.
The cost cannot exceed 50% of the total amount of the grant application or £2,000 in total. Projects must run for between six and 12 months.
The following types of organisation cannot apply for a grant:
o Private enterprise and government local authority, or public sector or organisations funded with public money.
Funding cannot be used for:
o General health projects. Activity must be specifically linked to heart issues and tackling heart disease;
o Salary costs not related to Healthy Heart projects;
o Grant Holder overheads or management fees; or
o Capital costs such as buildings, running costs, repairs, permanent fixtures or existing or continuation projects.
o Salary costs not related to Healthy Heart projects;
o Grant Holder overheads or management fees; or
o Capital costs such as buildings, running costs, repairs, permanent fixtures or existing or continuation projects.
The grant scheme opens to applications in specific regions at different times of the year.
Applications from the West Country and Wales opened on Monday 22nd August and will close onMonday 3rd October.
If you're interested in finding out which region you're in, click on the 'Which Subway region am I in?' in the box marked 'Further information' on the programme's webpage.
Application forms together with further information about the scheme are available to complete online at the Heart Research website.
PLEASE NOTE: grants are paid quarterly in arrears against a comprehensive project report and an appropriate invoice.
Contact details for Heart Research UK are:
Lifestyle Team
Heart Research UK
Suite 12D
Joseph’s Well
Leeds LS3 1AB
Tel: 0113 297 6206
Heart Research UK
Suite 12D
Joseph’s Well
Leeds LS3 1AB
Tel: 0113 297 6206
(Source: GRIN)
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