Monday, 1 August 2016

People's Trust for Endangered Species

The People's Trust for Endangered Species (PTES) is an independent environmental charity which addresses the loss of endangered species worldwide.
Voluntary conservation organisations, scientific researchers, individuals and consortia may apply for grants between £10,000 and £20,000.
During the year ending 31 December 2014 the Trust’s charitable expenditure was £1,081,587 (2013: £1,105,859) awarded against the following headings:
Research grants £366,660 (2013: £510,519);
Nature reserves £107,100 (2013: £114,541);
Conservation projects £483,582 (2013: £358,542);
Education and public awareness £124,245 (2013: £122,257).
Grants are available for research or conservation projects that focus on one or more Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) listed UK mammal species, or their habitat.
Grant proposals that address any of the following issues are likely to be given priority:
Monitoring mammals: better methods for estimating distribution and abundance; and more sensitive methods for assessing population change;
Habitats for mammals: assessing habitat suitability and connectivity; improving and restoring habitats; habitat management; and habitat fragmentation, modification and loss;
Human impacts and mitigation: climate change; habitat fragmentation, modification and loss; impact of introduced mammals and diseases; roads and other infrastructure; and toxic chemicals and pollution.
Funds for work carrying out practical habitat work will only be granted if trialling new methodologies that can be assessed for effectiveness and therefore will then have wider practical use for other practitioners.
Priority will also be given to those projects that focus on sound research or conservation work that is likely to lead directly to practical conservation outcomes with a lasting benefit to the species and habitat concerned.
Projects that require funds to promote, within local communities and or policy makers, the dissemination/public awareness of conservation strategies based on sound research will also be considered.
The Trust will  fund a project in its entirety or jointly with other bodies or organisations.
PLEASE NOTE: PTES is not considering any further applications for funds on beaver work in the UK until the Scottish beaver trial has finished.
The 2016 deadline is Saturday 1st October 2016.
Further information, together with an application form, is available on the PTES website.
Contact details for the Trust are:  
The People's Trust For Endangered Species
15 Cloisters House
8 Battersea Park Road
London SW8 4BG

(Source: GRIN)

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